
Showing posts from January, 2018

Race Animation

Submit your idea  [ASAP] On a piece of paper write/doodle: Two Contestants, Winner, Background/Setting, and the End Goal Make your assets   [Due Friday 1/26: Turn in the Flash file containing everything] On Flash, create the assets you need for the animation: Start with the background, utilize layers, make sure to lock the layers not in use. Create the end goal/finish line/prize on its own layer. Create the two contestants, each on separate layers. Animate  [Due Friday 2/2: Turn in the Flash file and SWF file] To add a Key Frame : Insert >> Timeline >> Key Frame, or keyboard shortcut (F6) To add a Blank Key Frame : Insert >> Timeline >> Blank Key Frame, or keyboard shortcut (F7) To change your drawing into a symbol : [While your drawing is selected] Modify >> Convert to Symbol (Change [Type] to "Graphic") >> OK To create a SWF file/Preview your animation: Press down "Command" Key on your Keyboard and then press...

Tessellation Project

Requirements: - Created at least 2 sets of Tessellation designs. - The background and the objects use different tessellation designs. - Shows 3-dimensional depth by shading and using Skew, Distort, Perspective, or Warp from Free Transform to make 3-D background and shapes. - The shapes are not blending in with the background. - The number of shapes created or the complexity of the shape represents the time it took to make it. - The final product of the project is visually appealing and artistic. Turn in the work at: Video Demonstrations:

Pattern exercise

Master the following techniques in Adobe Illustrator by making a sheet of repeating patterns: Using Pen Tool to create desired line Copy + Paste In Place Holding down on Shift key to move selected objects Selecting endpoints using White Arrow Connect Selected Endpoints Utilize Opacity and Gradients to make Fill Color or Stroke color interesting Turn in your finished exercise in Adobe Illustrator file here: If you are finished early and want to see the demo first, the 2 part demo videos are below: