Race Animation
Submit your idea [ASAP] On a piece of paper write/doodle: Two Contestants, Winner, Background/Setting, and the End Goal Make your assets [Due Friday 1/26: Turn in the Flash file containing everything] On Flash, create the assets you need for the animation: Start with the background, utilize layers, make sure to lock the layers not in use. Create the end goal/finish line/prize on its own layer. Create the two contestants, each on separate layers. Animate [Due Friday 2/2: Turn in the Flash file and SWF file] To add a Key Frame : Insert >> Timeline >> Key Frame, or keyboard shortcut (F6) To add a Blank Key Frame : Insert >> Timeline >> Blank Key Frame, or keyboard shortcut (F7) To change your drawing into a symbol : [While your drawing is selected] Modify >> Convert to Symbol (Change [Type] to "Graphic") >> OK To create a SWF file/Preview your animation: Press down "Command" Key on your Keyboard and then press...